Year of publication


  • Reinforcement learning with function approximation for cooperative navigation tasks
    Francisco S. Melo, M. Isabel Ribeiro
    Accepted for presentation at the 2008 IEEE Internacional Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2008), Pasadena, CA, May 19 - 23, 2008
  • Emerging coordination in infinite team Markov games
    Francisco S. Melo, M. Isabel Ribeiro
    Accepted for presentation at the 7th Internacional Conference Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2008), Estoril, Portugal, May 12 - 16, 2008
Year of publication


  • Machine learning for developmental robotics
    Manuel Lopes, Luis Montesano, Francisco S. Melo
    NIPS Workshop on Machine learning challenges in robotics, Whistler, Canada, December 5 - 7, 2007 -- PDF file
  • Policy gradient approach to multi-robot learning
    Francisco S. Melo
    NIPS Workshop on Machine learning challenges in robotics, Whistler, Canada, December 5 - 7, 2007 -- PDF file
  • Affordance-based imitation learning in robots
    Manuel Lopes, Francisco S. Melo, Luis Montesano
    2007 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, San Diego, CA, October 29 - November 2, 2007 -- PDF file
  • A POMDP approach to cooperative localization in sparse environments
    Francisco S. Melo, M. Isabel Ribeiro
    Workshop on Robotics and Mathematics (ROBOMAT 2007), Coimbra, Portugal, September 17 - 19, 2007 -- PDF file
  • Learning to coordinate in topological navigation tasks
    Francisco S. Melo, M. Isabel Ribeiro
    6th IFAC Symposium on Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles (IAV 2007), Toulouse, France, September 3 - 5, 2007 -- PDF file
  • Indoor active surveillance
    N. Gonçalves, S. Madhavan, J. Sequeira, A. Tsourdos, I. Ribeiro and B. White
    13th IEEE IFAC International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics (MMAR 2007), Szczecin, Poland, August 27 - 30, 2007 -- PDF file
  • Convergence of Q-learning with linear function approximation
    Francisco S. Melo, M. Isabel Ribeiro
    European Control Conference (ECC 2007), Kos, Greece, July 2 - 5, 2007
  • Q-learning and linear function approximation
    Francisco S. Melo, M. Isabel Ribeiro
    20th Annual Conference on Learning Theory (COLT 2007), San Diego, CA, June 13 - 15, 2007 -- PDF file
    Also available as Technical Report RT-602-07, Institute for Systems and Robotics, Instituto Superior Técnico, March 2007. -- PDF file
  • Convergence of independent adaptive learners
    Francisco S. Melo, Manuel C. Lopes
    Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence (EPIA 2007), Guimarães, Portugal, December 3 - 7, 2007 -- PDF file
    Also available as Technical Report RT-603-07, Institute for Systems and Robotics, Instituto Superior Técnico, March 2007. -- PDF file
  • MODEN: Multi-Robot, Obstacle-Driven Elastic Network Path Planning
    Francisco S. Melo, Manuela M. Veloso
    ROBOTICA 2007, National Robotics Festival - Scientific meeting, Paderne, Portugal, April 27, 2007. -- PDF file
  • Unified framework for imitation-like behaviors
    Francisco S. Melo, Manuel Lopes, José Santos-Victor and M. Isabel Ribeiro
    4th International Symposium on Imitation in Animals and Artifacts, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom, April 2 - 5, 2007. -- PDF file
  • Rational and convergent model-free adaptive learning for team Markov games
    Francisco S. Melo, M. Isabel Ribeiro
    Technical Report RT-601-07, Institute for Systems and Robotics, Instituto Superior Técnico, February 2007. -- PDF file
Year of publication


  • Ray Trace Ranging
    Nuno Hagenfeldt, João Sequeira
    Procs. of the 57th Int. Astronautical Congress (IAC 2006), Valencia, Spain October, 2006
  • RAPOSA: Semi-autonomous robot for rescue operations
    Carlos Marques, João Cristóvão, Pedro Lima, João Frazão, Isabel Ribeiro
    Procs. Int. Conf. on Robots and Systems, (IROS2006), Beijing, China, October, 2006
  • Tracking Accurate Measurements of High-Voltage Installations with Laser Range Scanner and GPS
    João Gomes-Mota, Alberto Vale, Artur Matos André, M. Isabel Ribeiro
    Procs. General Session do Conseil Internationale dês Grands Reseaux Eléctriques, CIGRE2006, Paris, França, 27 Agosto - 1 Setembro de 2006
  • Human-Robot Interaction and Robot Control
    João Sequeira, M. Isabel Ribeiro
    in Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, Volume 335/2006, isbn: 1-84628-404-x, PP.375-390
  • Semiotics and Human-Robot Interaction
    João Sequeira, M. Isabel Ribeiro
    Procs of the 3rd Int. Conf. on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO 2006), Setúbal, Portugal, August 2006
  • Particle-Filter Approach and Motion Strategies for Cooperative Localization
    Fernando Gomez Bravo, Alberto Vale, Maria Isabel Ribeiro
    Proceedings of the International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO-2006), Setubal, Portugal, 1-5 August, 2006 -- PDF file
  • Kit Para Controlo de Robots
    Jorge Paive, Luís Tavares, Michael Salgueiro, Miguel Lombo, João Sequeira
    Technical Report RT-602-06, June 2006
  • A Semiotic Approach to the Control of Semi-Autonomous Robots Interaction
    João Sequeira, M. Isabel Ribeiro
    International Journal of Systems Science 37(6):361-376, May 2006
  • Automatic Parallel Parking of Car-Like Robots
    Mário Florêncio, Pedro Agostinho, João Silva Sequeira
    Procs. of the 37th Int. Symp. on Robotics (ISR 2006), Munich, Germany, May, 2006
  • Transition Entropy in Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes
    Francisco S. Melo, Maria Isabel Ribeiro
    Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Intelligent Autonomous Systems (IAS-9), Kashiwa New Campus, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, March 7 - 9, 2006 -- PDF file
  • Convergence of Classical Reinforcement Learning Algorithms and Partial Observability
    Francisco S. Melo, M. Isabel Ribeiro
    Technical Report RT-601-06, Institute for Systems and Robotics, Instituto Superior Técnico,
    January 2006.
Year of publication


  • Convergence Results for Reinforcement Learning with Partial Observability
    Francisco S. Melo, M. Isabel Ribeiro
    Technical Report RT-602-05, Institute for Systems and Robotics, Instituto Superior Técnico,
    December 2005.
  • Human-Robot Interaction: A Semiotic Perspective
    João Sequeira, M. Isabel Ribeiro
    Proceedings of the 36th International Symposium on Robotics, ISR 2005, Keidanren Kaikan, Tokyo, Japan, 29 .November-1.December, 2005
  • Robot Team Control: a Geometric Approach
    João Sequeira, M. Isabel Ribeiro
    Robotics and Autonomous Systems , Vol.53, No.1, Outubro de 2005, pp.59-71
  • Mobile Robot Navigation in Outdoor Environments: A Topological Approach
    Alberto Vale
    PhD Thesis, June 2005, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, Portugal -- PDF file
  • Kinematic Modeling of Stewart-Gough Platforms
    Pedro Cruz, Ricardo Ferreira, João Silva Sequeira
    Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, 14-17 September 2005, Barcelona, Spain. -- PDF file
  • Modelling Two Classes of Stewart-Gough Platforms
    Pedro Cruz, Ricardo Ferreira, João Silva Sequeira
    Proceedings of the Scientific Meeting of the 5th Robotics National Festival, Coimbra, Portugal, April 2005.
  • The Use of Transition Entropy in Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes
    Francisco A. Melo, M. Isabel Ribeiro
    Technical Report RT-601-05, Instituto for Systems and Robotics, Instituto Superior Técnico, January 2005. -- PDF file
Year of publication


  • Hybrid control of semi-autonomous robots
    João Sequeira, M. Isabel Ribeiro
    Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS2004, September 2004, Sendai, Japan. -- PDF file
  • Behavioral control of robot teams
    João Sequeira, M. Isabel Ribeiro
    Proceedings of the workshop on Networked Robotics: issues, architectures and applications, integrated in the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS2004, September 2004, Sendai, Japan. -- PDF file
  • New approaches for Surveillance Tasks
    José Rocha, João Sequeira
    Preprints of 5th IFAC/Euron Symposium on Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles, IAV2004,5-7 July 2004, Lisboa, Portugal. -- PDF file
  • The Development of a Robotic System for Maintenance and Inspection of Power Lines
    José Rocha, João Sequeira
    Proceedings of the 35th International Symposium on Robotics, ISR2004, March 23-26, 2004, Paris-Nord Villepinte, France. -- PDF file
  • Blocking Controllability of a Mobile Robot Population
    Francisco A. Melo, M. Isabel Ribeiro e Pedro Lima
    Technical Report RT-601-04, Institute for Systems and Robotics (ISR/IST), May 2004. -- PDF file
  • Behavior-based control for semi-autonomous robots
    João Sequeira, M. Isabel Ribeiro
    Preprints of 5th IFAC/Euron Symposium on Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles, IAV2004, 5-7 July 2004, Lisboa, Portugal. -- PDF file
  • Modeling and control of a biped robot
    N.F. Gonçalves, P.M.Silva, J. Sequeira, M. I. Ribeiro
    Preprints of the 5th IFAC/Euron Symposium on Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles, IAV2004, 5-7 July 2004, Lisboa, Portugal. -- PDF file
  • Feature extraction and selection for mobile robot navigation
    Alberto Vale, José Miguel Lucas, M. Isabel Ribeiro
    Preprints of the 5th IFAC/Euron Symposium on Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles, IAV2004, 5-7 July 2004, Lisboa, Portugal. -- PDF file
  • Hybrid control of a car-lie robot
    João Sequeira, M. Isabel Ribeiro
    Proceedings of the 4th IEEE International Workshop on Robot Motion Control, RoMoCo04 17-20 June 2004, Puszczykowo, Poland.
  • Navigation Controllability a Mobile Robot Population
    Francisco Melo, Pedro Lima, M. Isabel Ribeiro
    Proceedings of the RoboCup Symposium 2004, July 2004, Lisboa, Portugal. -- PDF file
  • Distributed Deliberative Decision System for a Multi-Robot
    V. Pires, M. Arroz, L. Custódio, P. Lima, M. I. Ribeiro
    Proceedings of the Scientific Meeting of the 4th Portuguese Robotics Festival, Porto, Portugal, April 2004.
  • Smooth Local Path Planning for a Mobile Manipulator
    Carlos Alfaro, M. Isabel Ribeiro, Pedro Lima
    Proceedings of the Scientific Meeting of the 4th Portuguese Robotics Festival, Porto, Portugal, April 2004. -- PDF file
  • Event-driven Modelling and Control of a Mobile Robot Population
    Francisco Melo, Pedro Lima, M. Isabel Ribeiro
    Proceedings of the Intelligent Autonomous Systems Conference, IAS8, March 2004, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. -- PDF file
Year of publication


  • Single And Multiple Robot Control: A Geometric Approach
    João Silva Sequeira, Maria Isabel Ribeiro
    Technical Report RT-602-03, Institute for Systems and Robotics (ISR/IST), 2003. -- PDF file
  • A Geometric Approach to Single and Multiple Robot Control
    João Sequeira, M. Isabel Ribeiro
    Proceedings of the IFAC Symposium on Robot Control, SYROCO 2003, September 2003, Wroclaw, Poland, pp.137-142.
  • A Layered Approach to Multiple Robot Control
    João Sequeira, M. Isabel Ribeiro
    Proceedings of the 9th IEEE International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics, MMMAR2003, special session on Cooperative Robotics, 25-28 August 2003, Miedzyzdroje, Poland, pp. 745-750.
  • Environment Mapping as a Topological Representation
    Alberto Vale, M. Isabel Ribeiro
    Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Advanced Robotics, ICAR03, Coimbra, Portugal, June 2003, pp.29-34.
    -- PDF file
  • Robot Team Control: a Geometric Approach
    João Sequeira, M. Isabel Ribeiro
    Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Advanced Robotics, ICAR03, Coimbra, Portugal, June 2003, pp. 1502-1507.
    -- PDF file
  • Terrain following preview controller for multi-scale helicopters
    G. Libório, N. Paulino, R. Cunha, C. Silvestre, M. I. Ribeiro
    11th International Conference on Advanced Robotics, ICAR03, Coimbra, Portugal, June 2003, pp. 1227-1232.
    -- PDF file
  • Improving object localization through sensor fusion applied to soccer robots
    Pedro Marcelino, Pedro Nunes, Pedro Lima, M. Isabel Ribeiro
    Proceedings of the Scientific Meeting of 3rd. Robotics National Festival, ROBOTICA2003, Lisbon, May 2003.
    -- PDF file
  • Target tracking sing fuzzy control
    Nuno de Castro, Rodrigo Matias, M. Isabel Ribeiro
    Proceedings of the Scientific Meeting of 3rd. Robotics National Festival, ROBOTICA2003, Lisbon, May 2003.
    -- PDF file
  • Markov localization in the RoboCup simulation league
    Carla Penedo, João Pavão, Pedro Lima, M. Isabel Ribeiro
    Proceedings of the Scientific Meeting of 3rd. Robotics National Festival, ROBOTICA2003, Lisbon, May 2003.
    -- PDF file
  • The RESCUE Project: Cooperative Navigation for Rescue Robots
    Pedro Lima, Luis Custódio, M. Isabel Ribeiro, José Santos-Victor
    Proceedings of the 1st. International Workshop on Advances in Service Robotics, ASER'03, Bardolino, Italy, March 2003.
    -- PDF file
Year of publication


  • Detection and Classification of 3D Moving Objects
    André Lourenço, Pedro Freitas, M. Isabel Ribeiro, Jorge S. Marques
    Proceedings of the 10th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, MED2002, July 2002, Lisboa, Portugal.
  • A Probabilistic Approach for the Localization of Mobile Robots in Topological Maps
    Alberto Vale, M. Isabel Ribeiro
    Proceedings of the 10th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, MED2002, July 2002, Lisboa, Portugal.
    -- PDF file
  • Localisation of Mobile Robots using Scanned Laser and Reconstructed 3D Models
    João Gomes Mota
    MSc Thesis, May 2002, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, Portugal
    -- download seven parts in PDF format:
    0. Prologue (abstract, table of contents) 1. Introduction 2. The Frame Localisation Algorithm 3. The Likelihood Test 4. The Approximate Localisation Algorithm 5. Conclusions 6. References and Appendices
  • Análise de Sistemas Lineares
    M. Isabel Ribeiro
    IST Press, 2 volumes, March 2002, ISBN 972-8469-13-6
    see detailed information
Year of publication


  • Navigation in a Maze
    A. Vale, J. Simões, J. Machado, P. Lima
    Revista Robótica 2001, Nº45 - pag. 66 - 70, 4º Trimestre de 2001
    -- PDF file
  • A negotiation model for cooperation among robots
    João Sequeira, M. Isabel Ribeiro
    Proceedings of the European Control Conference - ECC-2001, Porto, Portugal, September 4-7, 2001.
    -- PDF file
  • RoboticWEBook: an electronic book initiative
    M. Isabel Ribeiro, Jorge Dias, John Hallam
    Proceedings of the 1st.Workshop on Robotics education and Training, RET 2001, Weingarten, Germany,July 2001.
Year of publication


  • A Nested-Loop Architecture for Mobile Robot Navigation
    Vitor Santos, José P. Castro, M. Isabel Ribeiro
    International Journal of Robotics Research, Vol.19, No.12, December 2000.
  • Behavior-Based Cooperation with Application to Space Robots
    João Sequeira, Pedro Lima, M. Isabel Ribeiro, João Sentieiro
    Proceedings of the 6th ESA Workshop on Advanced Space Technologies for Robotics and Automation, ASTRA2000, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, December 2000.
    -- PDF file
  • Efficient Detection of Collision Imminence for Mobile Robots
    Vitor Santos, José Castro, M. Isabel Ribeiro
    Proceedings of the 4th Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, Guimaraes, Portugal, October 2000 .
  • Robot Concurrent Remote Operation Through Internet
    Alberto Vale, Paulo Inácio, Nuno Antunes, João Sequeira, Maria Isabel Ribeiro
    Proceedings of the 4th Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, Guimaraes, Portugal, October 2000 .
    -- PDF file
  • Mobile Robot Localisation o Reconstructed 3D Models
    João Gomes Mota, Maria Isabel Ribeiro
    Journal of Robotics and Autonomous Systems 31 (1-2) pp. 17-30, Elsevier Science, April 2000.
  • Behaviour-Based Cooperation Between Two Mobile Manipulators
    João Sequeira, M. Isabel Ribeiro
    Journal of Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering 7(3), 2000, IOS Press.
Year of publication


  • Cooperation Among Robots: a Behavioural Approach Supported on Group Theory
    João Sequeira
    Ph.D Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, June 1999
    -- unix compressed postscript file.
  • RESOLV: Da Robótica à Realidade Virtual
    João Gomes Mota, Maria Isabel Ribeiro
    Actas das V Jornadas Jornadas Científico-Tecnológicas de Engenharia Electrotécnica e Electrónica, Escola Superior de Tecnologia, Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal, Portugal, April 1999.
    (paper written in Portuguese)
    -- PDF file -- compressed postscript file
  • Multisensorial Data Fusion with Fuzzy Integrals: Environment 2D Reconstruction in Mobile Robotics
    C. Alvarez, M. I. Ribeiro, D. Jolly, A.M. Jolly-Desodt
    Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Soft Computing, SOCO'99, Genova, Italy, June 1999.
    -- compressed postscript file
Year of publication


  • Virtual Environments Creation with an Autonomous Robot
    J. Madeiras Pereira, P. Gil, J. Goncalves, V. Sequeira, E. Wolfart, J. Castro, J. Gomes-Mota, M. I. Ribeiro, S. Butterfield, D. Hogg, K. Ng, V.Dupourque, D. Leevers
    Proceedings of the International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia, VSMM'98, Gifu, Japan, November 1998.
    -- compressed postscript file
  • Active Range Sensing for Mobile Robot Localization
    Artur Arsenio, M. Isabel Ribeiro
    Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robotic Systems, IROS'98, Victoria, Canada, October 1998.
    -- compressed postscript file
  • Geometric Feasibility of a Flexible Cask Transportation System for ITER
    Pedro Lima, M. Isabel Ribeiro, Pedro Aparicio
    Proceedings of the 20th Symposium on Fusion Technology, SOFT'98, Marseille, France, September 1998, pp.1055-1058.
    -- postscript file
  • Navigation Architecture for the RESOLV Mobile Robot
    Vitor Santos, José Castro, M.Isabel Ribeiro
    Proceedings of the 3rd.Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, CONTROLO'98, Coimbra, Portugal, September 1998, pp.805-810.
    -- pdf file
  • Localisation of a Mobile Robot using a Laser Scanner on Reconstructed 3D Models
    João Gomes-Mota, M.Isabel Ribeiro
    Proceedings of the 3rd Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, CONTROLO'98, Coimbra, Portugal, September 1998, pp.667-672.
    -- PDF file -- compressed postscript file
  • Rigid Bar Transportation by Two Mobile Manipulators: A Behaviour-Based Cooperative Approach
    João Sequeira, M. Isabel Ribeiro
    Proceedings of the 3rd.Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, CONTROLO'98, Coimbra, Portugal, September 1998, pp.661-666.
    -- compressed postscript file
  • Study of the Motion Schedule for ITER Remote Handling Transport Casks
    M.Isabel Ribeiro, Pedro Lima, Pedro Aparicio, Renato Ferreira
    Proceedings of the 3rd.Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, CONTROLO'98, Coimbra, Portugal, September 1998, pp.489-494.
    -- compressed postscript file
  • Absolute Localization of mobile Robots using Natural Landmarks
    Artur Arsenio, M. Isabel Ribeiro
    Proceedings of the 5th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems, ICECS'98, Lisbon, Portugal, September 1998, Vol.2,pp.483-486.
    -- compressed postscript file
  • A Multi-Layer Robot Localisation Solution using a Laser Scanner on Reconstructed 3D Models
    João Gomes-Mota, M. Isabel Ribeiro
    Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Intelligent Robotic Systems, SIRS'98, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, July 1998, pp.213-222.
    -- PDF file -- compressed postscript file
  • Experiments on cooperative behaviour between two mobile manipulators
    João Sequeira, M. Isabel Ribeiro
    Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Intelligent Robotic Systems, SIRS'98, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, July 1988, pp.27-36.
    -- compressed postscript file
  • Active Laser Range Sensing for Natural Landmark Based Localization of Mobile Robots
    Artur Arsénio
    M.Sc. Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, July 1998.
  • An Autonomous Sensor for 3D Reconstruction
    David Leevers, Pedro Gil, Francisco Lopes, João Pereira, José Castro, João Gomes-Mota, M.Isabel Ribeiro, João G.M. Goncalves, Vitor Sequeira, Erik Wolfart, Vincent Dupourque, Vitor Santos, Stuart Butterfield, David Hogg, Kia Ng,
    Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on Multimedia Applications, Services and Techniques, ECMAST'98, Berlin, Germany, May 1998.
  • A Multi-Loop Robust Navigation Architecture for Mobile Robots
    José Castro, Vitor Santos, M.Isabel Ribeiro
    Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Leuven, Belgium, May 1998, pp.970-975.
    -- pdf file
  • Embedding Learning in Behaviour-Based Architectures: a Conceptual Approach
    João Sequeira, José R. Millán, M.Isabel Ribeiro, J. Goncalves,
    Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, Vol.9, No.2, April 1998, pp.201-207.
  • Environment 2D Reconstruction with Fuzzy Integrals
    Christophe Alvarez, M. Isabel Ribeiro, D.Jolly, A.M.Jolly-Desodt
    Proceedings of the Symposium on Signal Processing and Cybernetics, Tunisie, April 1998.
    -- compressed postscript file

Year of publication


  • Navigation of the AEST: Architecture and Experimental Results
    Jose Castro, João Gomes-Mota, Vitor Santos, M.Isabel Ribeiro,
    Technical Report RT-603-97, Institute for Systems and Robotics (ISR/IST), December 1997.
  • Conceptual Study on Flexible Guidance and Navigation for ITER Remote Handling Transport Cask
    M.Isabel Ribeiro, Pedro Lima, Pedro Aparicio, Renato Ferreira,
    17th IEEE/NPSS Symposium on Fusion Engineering, SOFE'97, San Diego, USA, October 1997.
    -- postscript file
  • Active Docking of a Transport Cask Vehicle Subject to 6 Degrees of Freedom Misalignments
    M.Isabel Ribeiro, Pedro Lima, Pedro Aparicio, Renato Ferreira,
    17th IEEE/NPSS Symposium on Fusion Engineering, SOFE'97, San Diego, USA, October 1997.
    -- postscript file
  • Sistema Integrado de Movimentacao de um Robot Movel Baseado em Dados Sensoriais
    Luis Miguel Freitas, Fernando Miguel Carvalho, João Sequeira, M.Isabel Ribeiro,
    Technical Report RT-602-97, Institute for Systems and Robotics (ISR/IST), October 1997.
  • A Behaviour Based Kernel Architecture for Robot Control
    João Sequeira, M. Isabel Ribeiro,
    Proceedings of the 5th Symposium on Robot Control, SYROCO'97, Nantes, France, September 1997, pp.833-838.
    -- compressed postscript file
  • Mobile Robot Localization and Map Building using Monocular Vision
    Jose Neira, M.Isabel Ribeiro, Juan Domingo Tardos,
    Proceedings of the 5th Symposium on Intelligent Robotics Systems, SIRS-97, Stockholm, Sweden, July 1997, 275-284.
  • Docking of a Mobile Platform Based on Infrared Sensors
    Pedro Mira Vaz, Renato Ferreira, Vasco Grossmann, M.Isabel Ribeiro,
    Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, ISIE'97, Guimarães, Portugal, July 1997, pp.735-740.
    -- compressed postcript file
  • Complete Coverage Path Planning and Guidance for Cleaning Robots,
    Rafael Neumann de Carvalho, Helder A.Vidal, Pedro Vieira, M.Isabel Ribeiro
    Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, ISIE'97, Guimarães,Portugal, July 1997, pp.677-682.
    -- compressed postcript file
  • Embedding Learning in Behaviour-Based Architectures: a Conceptual Approach,
    João Sequeira, José R. Millán, M.Isabel Ribeiro, J. Goncalves,
    Proceedings of the 2nd. World Congress on Intelligent Manufacturing Process es and Systems, IMPS'97, Budapest, June 1997, pp.341-346.
    -- compressed postscript file
  • Conceptual Study on Flexible Guidance and Docking Systems for ITER Remote Handling Transport Casks
    Maria Isabel Ribeiro, Pedro Almeida Lima, Pedro Miguel Aparicio, Renato Madeira Ferreira,
    Technical Report RT-401-97, Institute for Systems and Robotics (ISR/IST), April 1997.
  • A Conceptual Approach to Behaviour Based Architectures for Robot Control,
    João Sequeira, M.Isabel Ribeiro, João Goncalves,
    Preprints of the 4th IFAC Workshop on Algorithms and Architectures for Real-Time Control , Vilamoura, Algarve, April 1997, pp.310-311.
    -- compressed postscript file
Year of publication


  • Active Range Sensing for Three-Dimensional Environment Reconstruction
    Vitor Sequeira
    Ph.D. Thesis, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Instituto Superior Tecnico, December 1996.
  • Construction of the 3D Model of an Unknown Environment using Range Data
    Vitor Sequeira, João Goncalves, M. Isabel Ribeiro,
    in Modelling and Graphics in Science and Technology, editted by Teixeira, J.C. e Rix, J., pp.164-172, Springer Verlag, 1996.
  • Natural Landmark based Localisation of Mobile Robots using Laser Range Data
    M.Isabel Ribeiro, João Goncalves,
    Proceedings of the 1st Euromicro Workshop on Advanced Mobile Robots (EUROBOT'96), pp.186-193, Kaiserslautern, Germany, October 1996
    -- compressed postcript file
  • Visual Tracking for Mobile Robot Localization
    José Neira
    Technical Report RT-602-96, Institute for Systems and Robotics (ISR/IST), October 1996.
    -- compressed postscript file
  • 3D Reconstruction of Indoor Environments
    Vitor Sequeira, João Goncalves, M.Isabel Ribeiro,
    Proceedings of the 1996 International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP'96), pp.405-408, Lausanne, Switzerland, September 1996.
    -- compressed postscript file
  • Acostagem de uma Plataforma Movel a uma Estacao de Trabalho Fixa
    Pedro Mira Vaz, R.enato Ferreira, Vasco Grossmann, M.Isabel Ribeiro,
    Technical Report, RT-601-96, Institute for Systems and Robotics (ISR/IST), September 1996.
    -- compressed postscript file
  • Active View Selection for Efficient 3D Scene Reconstruction
    Vitor Sequeira, João Goncalves, M. Isabel Ribeiro,
    Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), pp.815-819, Vienna, Austria, August 1996.
    -- compressed postscript file
  • Cooperation among Multiple Robotic Mechanisms
    João Sequeira, M.Isabel Ribeiro, João Goncalves,
    Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Intelligent Robotic Systems'96 (SIRS'96), pp.369-376, July 1996, Lisbon, Portugal.
    -- compressed postscript file
  • Mobile Robot Localisation using Laser Range Data
    M.Isabel Ribeiro, João M. G. Goncalves,
    Technical Note No.I.96.44, ISIS - Joint Research Centre, Ispra, Italy, March 1996.
  • AUV Path Planning under Current Constraints
    João Sequeira, M. Isabel Ribeiro,
    in Autonomous Underwater Vehicles, Kluwer Publishers, 1996
Year of publication


  • 3D Environment modelling using laser range sensing
    Vitor Sequeira, João G.M.Goncalves, M. Isabel Ribeiro,
    Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Vol.16, No.1, November 1995, pp.81-91.
  • High-Level Surface Description from Composite Range Images
    Vitor Sequeira, Joã Goncalves, M.Isabel Ribeiro,
    Proceedings of the 1995 IEEE International Symposium on Computer Vision, Florida, USA, pp.163-168, November 1995.
    -- compressed postscript file
  • XMOV - Velocity Control for the ROBUTER Mobile Platform (in Portuguese)
    João Serrano, Pedro Raposo, Pedro Aparicio, João Sequeira, M. Isabel Ribeiro,
    Techhnical Report, RT-601-95, Institute for Systems and Robotics (ISR/IST), November 1995.
    -- compressed postscript file
  • 3D Scene Modelling from Multiple Range Views
    Vitor Sequeira, Joã Goncalves, M.Isabel Ribeiro,
    Proceedings do 1995 SPIE Conference Videometrics IV, Vol. 2598, part of the SPIE's Photonics East Symposium, Philadelphia, EUA, pp.114-127, October 1995.
    -- compressed postscript file
Year of publication


  • 3D Modelling of In-Door Scenes Using Laser Range Sensing
    Vitor Sequeira, João Goncalves, M.Isabel Ribeiro,
    Proceedings of the MVA'94, IAPR Workshop on Machine Vision Applications, pp.315-318, Kawasaki, Japan, December 1994.
  • Sonar Data Processing for the Navigaton of a Mobile Robot
    Francisco Pedrosa, M. Isabel Ribeiro,
    Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Signal Processing Applications and Technology, Dallas, USA, October1994.
  • On the Design of PO-ROBOT System
    Fernando Lobo Pereira, Jo&atildoe Borges de Sousa, Eduardo Pereira da Silva, M. Isabel Ribeiro, João Sequeira,
    Proceedings of the Intelligent Vehicles Symposium'94, Paris, October1994.
  • Object Detection in Mobile Robots using Sonar Data
    Paulo Menezes, Hélder Araújo, Jorge Dias, M. Isabel Ribeiro,
    Proceedings of CONTROLO'94, First Portuguese Meeting on Automatic Control, Lisbon, Portugal, September 1994.
  • Mobile Robot Localization using Ultrasonic Sensors
    Francisco Pedrosa, M. Isabel Ribeiro,
    Proceedings of CONTROLO'94, First Portuguese Meting on Automatic Control, Lisbon, Portugal, September 1994.
  • Path Planning and Obstacle Avoidance for a Mobile Robot Operating in a Structured Environment
    João Sequeira, M. Isabel Ribeiro,
    Proceedings of CONTROLO'94, First Portuguese Meeting on Automatic Control, Lisbon, Portugal, September 1994.
  • Sistema de Gestão de um Robot Movel Industrial
    Fernando Lobo Pereira, João Borges de Sousa, Eduardo Pereira da Silva, M.Isabel Ribeiro, João Sequeira,
    Proceedings of CONTROLO'94, First Portuguese Meeting on Automatic Control, Lisbon, Portugal, September 1994.
  • MOONRAT II: um robot movel de pequenas dimensões
    Henrique Zacarias, Luis Moreira, Rui Antunes, João Sequeira, M.Isabel Ribeiro,
    Proceedings of CONTROLO'94, First Portuguese Meeting on Automatic Control, Lisbon, Portugal, September 1994.
  • A Two Level Approach to AUV Path Planning
    João Sequeira, M. Isabel Ribeiro,
    Proceedings of the OCEANS'94, pp. II-87,II-91, Brest, France, September 1994.
  • Construction of the 3D Model of an Unknown Environment using Range Data,
    Vitor Sequeira, João Goncalves, M. Isabel Ribeiro,
    Proceedings of the Workshop on Modelling in Science and Technology, Coimbra, Portugal, June 1994.
  • Sonar Based Active Sensing for World Modeling
    João Alves, José Castro, M.Isabel Ribeiro,
    Proceedings of the 6th Portuguese Conference on Pattern Recognition, RECPAD'94, pp.129-136, Lisbon, March1994.
  • Fuzzy Logic Steering Controller for a Guided Vehicle
    Filipe Cardoso, Filipe Fontes, Carlos Pais, Paulo Oliveira, M.Isabel Ribeiro,
    Proceedings of the 7th Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference, MELECON'94, pp.711-714, Turkey, April 1994.
Year of publication


9 January, 2008