ISR/IST Laboratório de Robótica Móvel

RESOLV - REconstruction using Scanned Laser and Video

ACTS Program - European Union

animated logo: courtesy of Kia Ng

esta página em Português

Follow the links to have an overview of the RESOLV project. To see reconstructed 3D models, check the official RESOLV site at University of Leeds, UK.

RESOLV posters   (November 1999)

Campaign snapshots

RESOLV Web links

This is the RESOLV site at ISR/IST. The official RESOLV site is at Univ. of Leeds. Other RESOLV related web pages may be found at:

Goto Homepage Introduction Projects People Publications Contact
©1999 LRM, Maria Isabel Ribeiro, João Gomes Mota
31-January-2000, updated 31-January-2001