ISR/IST Laboratório de Robótica Móvel


The Mobile Robotics Lab (LRM - Laboratório de Robótica Móvel) is a research and development unit of ISR-Instituto de Sistemas e Robótica in Lisbon. The ISR is hosted by the IST-Instituto Superior Técnico, the largest Engineering Faculty in Portugal.
The Mobile Robotics Lab activities focuses on the research, development and testing of robotic tools applied to the control and navigation of land mobile robotics.
In our Laboratory we are particularly interested in the issues of:

To browse the content of this site use the Table of Contents on the left column or the following links:

Section Description
Projects Index of the current projects. It contains a link to each project homepage.
People List of members of the LRM Group. Includes links to personal homepages.
Publications List of scientific publications related to LRM members activities. Includes PostScript versions of many documents, particularly the more recent ones.
On-line Tour Automatic slideshow, presenting the core research activities in the LRM.
Equipment Descrição do equipamento robótico específico do LRM, com indicação dos fabricantes.
Museum Presentation of the projects already concluded.
More Info ? Fill in Form in case you want further information.You are also welcome to send us comments and impressions about your visit.
Contact How to contact the Laboratory: telephone, fax, address...
History Site history: additions to the LRM site and updates.


Goto Homepage Introduction Projects People Publications Contact
©1999 LRM, Maria Isabel Ribeiro, João Gomes Mota
