

Name: Ognyan Borisov Manolov
Date of Birth: 09 December 1950 Place of Birth: Sofia, BULGARIA
Nationality: Bulgarian
Languages: Native: Bulgarian;
Fluent: Russian;
Good: English; Slovakian
Family status

married with two children

manolov@isr.ist.utl.pt (+351) 21 8418088; (+351) 91 424 6251 (+351) 21 8418291
o.b.manolov@iusi.bas.bg (+359) (0)2 700354; (+359) (0)89 674789 (+359) (0)2 703361
Academic Degrees Employment Record Projects Contracts Awarded Visits Publications
SPECIALIZATION: Modelling and simulation, optimal, adaptive and robust control, sensors perception, data fusion and filtering, information control systems for autonomous mobile robots, path and mission planning, obstacles avoidance, location and global navigation.
PRESENT POSITION:- Visiting Professor - NATO Senior Research Fellowship (2002), Laboratório de Robótica Móvel, Instituto de Sistemas e Robótica, Instituto Superior Técnico. Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, PORTUGAL.