- Associate Professor on Robots Control, habbilitation theses - "Machine Intelligence in Robotics and FMS", 1992,
Institute of Mechatronics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
- Ph.D. on Cybernetics and Informatics, theses - "Computer Modelling of Robots Control Systems", 1981,
Institute of Control Science, USSR Academy of Sciences.
- M.Sc. on Cybernetics - theses "Control System Synthesis by Minimax", 1974, Technical University, Sofia, Bulgaria.
- Assoc. Prof., 3 years (1992-1994), Institute of Mechatronics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Director - Assoc. Prof., Dr. Bogdan Stoianov;
- Senior Scientific Researcher, 4 years (1988-1991), Institute of Industrial Cybernetics and Robotics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Director - Acad. Angel S. Angelov.
- Scientific Researcher, 3 years (1985-1987), Institute of Engineering Cybernetics and Robotics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Director - Acad. Angel S. Angelov.
- Scientific Researcher, 2 years (1983,1984), International Laboratory on Artificial Intelligence, Institute of Technical Cybernetics, Slovakian Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Director - Acad. Ivan Plander.
- Ph.D. student-researcher, 4 years (1977-1980), Institute of Control Science, Academy of Sciences of USSR, Moscow, Director - Acad. Vadim A. Trapeznikov.
- Research engineer, 3 years (1974-1976), Institute of Technical Cybernetics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Director - Correspondent Member of Academy, Prof. Nikolay D. Naplatanov.