2002 - Laboratório de Robótica Móvel, ISR-IST, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, NATO Senior Research Fellowship, PORTUGAL.

2000 - Electrical Engineering Dept., Vision Robotics Lab, University of Paderborn, DFG Visiting Professor, Paderborn, GERMANY.

1999 - Automatic Control Dept., Industrial Robotics Lab, University of Wuppertal, DFG Senior Fellowship, Wuppertal, GERMANY.

1998 - Department of AI and Mobile Robotics, LADSEB, CNR Visiting Professor, Padova, ITALY.

1997 - Department of Computer Science, Hull University , Royal Society Fellowship, Hull, ENGLAND

1997 - Electrical and Industrial Engineering Dept., Robotics Lab, Ben Gurion University, Academic Fellowship, Beer Sheeva, IZRAEL.

1997 - Computer and Electrical Engineering Dept., Technical University of Athens, ESPRIT Project "NEuroNet" Short time Research Visitor Fellowship, Athens, GREECE.

1991 - Centre of Intelligent Robotics, UNINOVA University, UNIDO/UNDP Fellowship, Lisbon, PORTUGAL.

1983, 1984 - International Central Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence, Academic Fellowship in the Slovak Acad. of Sc., Bratislava, SLOVAKIA.

1985 - IFAC, International Federation of Automatic Control,
1990 - UNIDO/UNDP, United Nation Industrial Development Organisation United Nation Development Program,
1993 - INNS, International Neural Networks Society,
1994 - IEEE, International Electrical end Electronic Engineers, Computer Soc.
1996 - IASTED, Internat. Association for Science, Technology and Development.
1995 - NYAS, New York Academy of Sciences,