- "Cooperative Navigation for Rescue Robots", Project founded by Portugal Science Foundation, 2002-2004. http://viana.isr.ist.utl.pt/rescue/original-prop.php.
- "Co-operative Control and Interactions of Autonomous Mobile Robots with Machine Intelligence via Internet", Project founded by Bulg. Academy of Sciences, 2000-2002, Project Leader.
- "Behaviour Control of Autonomous Robots Group", International Project with LADSEB, founded by Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and CNR, Italy, 1998-2000, Project Leader.
- "Intelligent Control of Semi-Autonomous Mobile Robot for Hazardous Actions and Scientific Investigations in Environmental Nature", Grand NFNI TN 472/1994 founded by Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Science - National Foundation for Scientific Researches, 1994-1998, Project Leader.
- "Intelligent Information and Control Architectures for Computer Integrated Manufacturing and Robotics Systems", International Project with ITCR, founded by Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and Slovakian Academy of Sciences, 1995-1998, Project Leader.
- "Mathematical Methods, Software and Hardware for Design of Adaptive Robotizing Systems with Artificial Intelligence Elements". National Grant 100005, 1993.
- "Robotized Cell for Assembly of Disc Stacks for Winchester Disc Drives". National Grant 210139, 1992.
- "Possibilities of Adaptive Mobile Robots Design for Technological and Auxiliary Operations". National Grant 014900, 1991.
- "Research and Development Problems in Sensory-Based Mobile Robots". National Grant 013000, 1990.
- "Robotizing Cell for Details Palletising". National Grant 216600, 1988.
- Academic Award with Diploma for "Intelligent Minirobot with a Vision System ROBKO 2 - SM 54/30" - The best Collaboration results between Bulgarian and Czechoslovakian Academy of Sciences in 1987.
- Diploma and Golden Medal from WIPO'85, Plovdiv, Bulgaria for "Educational FMS, Controlled via Personal Computers".
- Diploma and Golden Medal from International Technical Fair, 1983, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, "Electro-mechanical Robot "ROBKO 01".