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Cooperation Among Robots: A Behavioural Approach Supported On Group Theory,

João Sequeira

Ph.D. thesis,

Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal, June 1999 --compressed postscript file


Rigid Bar Transportation by Two Mobile Manipulators: A Behaviour-Based Cooperative Approach,

João Sequeira, M. Isabel Ribeiro

Proceedings of the 3rd.Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, CONTROLO'98,

Coimbra, Portugal, September 1998, pp.661-666. --compressed postscript file

Behaviour-Based Cooperation Between Two Mobile Manipulators,

João Sequeira, M. Isabel Ribeiro

To appear on the Journal of Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering, 7:3, 2000 --compressed postscript file

Experiments on cooperative behaviour between two mobile manipulators,

João Sequeira, M. Isabel Ribeiro

Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Intelligent Robotic Systems, SIRS'98,

Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, July 1988, pp.27-36. --compressed postscript file

A Behaviour Based Kernel Architecture for Robot Control,

João Sequeira, M. Isabel Ribeiro,

Proceedings of the 5th Symposium on Robot Control, SYROCO'97,

Nantes, France, September 1997, pp.833-838. --compressed postscript file

Embedding Learning in Behaviour-Based Architectures: a Conceptual Approach,

João Sequeira, José R. Millán, M.Isabel Ribeiro, J. Goncalves,

Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, Vol.9, No.2, April 1998, pp.201-207. --compressed postscript file

A Conceptual Approach to Behaviour Based Architectures for Robot Control,

João Sequeira, M.Isabel Ribeiro, João Goncalves,

Preprints of the 4th IFAC Workshop on Algorithms and Architectures for Real-Time Control,

Vilamoura, Algarve, April 1997, pp.310-311. --compressed postscript file