Instructions for the LENS

This example requires Netscape Navigator 4.0 or MS Internet Explorer 4.0 or later.

Cette page en Français. Esta página em Português.

icon to activate the lensActivate the Lens

To start using the Magnifier lens (lente in Portuguese) push the icon found on the top of the main page. You should notice the icons changes immediately to the magnifier deactivation icon.

Once the lens is active move the cursor to the point you want to see magnified. Press the main button and you'll see a magnified image appearing to the top and left of the cursor. You can move the cursor to other images areas to see them magnified.
Depending on the browser, it may be necessary to keep the button pressed while moving the cursor or, alternatively, press it once and release to show the magnified image. In the latter case the lens is visible until the main button is pressed again.

icon to deactivate the lensDeactivate the Lens

To quit the lens press the icon on the left of the main page. The icon changes back to the activation icon.


high quality checkboxHigh Quality (HQ)

With regular quality, the magnified image is a copy of the original image (700x480 pixels, 38Kb) with its size multiplied by four. To see a high quality magnification, select the HQ checkbox. Then, the magnified image is a small area of an image four times larger (1400x960 pixels, 137Kb). Depending on the quality of the data link, it may be necessary to wait for a while, until the large image is fully downloaded.


Return to the Lens.

Created on the 31st July, 2000. Last change on the 1st August, 2000.

©2000 João Gomes Mota